Monday, February 21, 2011

Weather Beacon Red

Bazinga and I left Rossville today for a long trip back to Des Moines. Willie and I asked Alyssa and Shane if we could have Kahlen for  a few days. They said yes, yay, and I decided to bring Bazinga. When we left Rossville it was forty some degrees and raining. It rained most of the way through Illinois. When I had to stop to let Bazinga relieve himself we got rained on. It was annoying, but nothing that bad. At least it was warm.

As we crossed the Mississippi the wind started picking up. It wasn't raining so much, but still drizzling and foggy. The closer we got to Des Moines the colder it got. Apparently, it is still winter here. We got to Grimes, and the wind was blowing, it was cold and it was snowing. Definitely still winter.

Then I saw Little Miss Kahlen's smiling face and the weather just didn't matter any more. I was so happy to see her, and she seemed happy to see me. It already seemed ten degrees warmer. I got her buckled in her car seat. Bazinga was thrilled to see her, but not thrilled to be in his kennel where he couldn't properly greet her. This was agony.

The three of us went over to to see Great Grandpa Bob. Bazinga chased Kahlen, Kahlen chased Bazinga and Great Grandpa Bob smiled and laughed. Kahlen decided that she needed to "walk" Bazinga. She wanted me to put his leash on, I did. She "walked" him back and forth across the living room. This was a very proud moment for both.

Uncle Ben and Aunt Stacey each were there and got to see Kahlen, too. She amused them with her supreme dancing abilities. Soon, Alyssa came as well. We all had quite a good time at Great Grandpa Bob's. Then it was time to go. I gave Kahlen a kiss good bye and promised her a big bye bye in the morning. A big bye bye is when we take the long trip to Rossville together.

Bazinga and I were staying at Valerie's in Ames. On the way there, we decided to stop and see Josh and Caitlin and Tallulah. Tallulah  is their chihuahua. Bazinga exploded with speed and energy and chased Tallulah everywhere. It was like he was hyped on caffeine. Tallulah, excited at first played and chased back. After a while she was sick of the darn kid and sat on me. Bazinga was very disappointed. Time to get to Ames.

On I-80, I noticed the weather beacon was red, warmer weather is ahead. For those of you not from central Iowa, Des Moines has a weather beacon. It belongs to one of the TV stations. It is a TV tower that has green, red and white lights on it. Way back in the day, before the Internet, and smart phones and heck even color TV, (yes youngnes, TV used to just be black and white,) the weather beacon was a quick reference to what the weather would be the next twenty four hours. You could see it from miles around. There's even a little poem to help you remember...
Weather beacon red, warmer weather is ahead. Weather beacon white, colder weather is in sight. Weather beacon green no change in temperature is foreseen, weather beacon blinking night or day, precipitation is on the way.

Snazzy huh? It used to be quite useful, now it's mostly tradition. As I said, I notice it was red. Tomorrow I take Kahlen and Bazinga back to Rossville. I'm a little nervous about the idea of taking an 18 month old girl and a 6 month old dog on a 7 hour drive all by myself. It will be an adventure. One thing I do know though, it will be warmer. Kahlen is our very own red weather beacon. She warms up the coldest day!

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