Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Someone..... Turns Four!!!!!

 The chicken made it! Willie and I drove from Williamsburg to Grimes with the air conditioner  on full blast the whole way. The horse rode in the back of the van, and the chicken rode on my lap. We made it to the park, both cakes intact, Willie and I, popsicles. Nothing melted, and nothing broken.

The birthday girl seemed pretty happy with both cakes.

 With a birthday in August it is a perfect time to have a party in a park. Somehow, every year, the weather has been wonderful for her party. Even last year when the Midwest was a scalding hot wasteland, the day of her party was wonderful. This year was no different. The weather was perfect. Not too hot, a nice breeze blowing. It was a good day.

Kahlen and her friends played long and hard. Presents were opened and Kahlen made out like a bandit. One wonderful present was from her Grammy, Shane's mom. She is going to pay for a year of dance lessons for Kahlen. Such a perfect present for her! She loves to dance and already tries to do ballet moves. After watching the gymnasts in the summer Olympics she has been seen doing moves like she saw them do.

Now that she is a big girl, she can do things that only "big people" can do. Like climbing the jungle gym. "Only big people can do this," she told me. "It is very scary!" 

 Baby brother Paxton got in on the fun. He was a little cranky that day. We now know why, he was working on cutting his first tooth. Swinging in the swing made everything all better. He would have stayed there all day if he hadn't gotten hungry.

(He's looking more and more like his daddy every day!)
I do believe the birthday girl had a fabulous time. Her mommy and daddy gave her a wonderful party! When she got home she played on her bike for a while, but was exhausted. Mommy told her that it was going to be an early bedtime night, and Kahlen said, "OK." 100% proof that it was a successful day!

 Oh, and the chicken? His tail fell off. Yeah, and his face, too. 

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