So, yeah, it's been a while. I have been having a hard time with the blogging. I don't get out much any more. Most of my time is spent at home with my father. He doesn't like going out in the snow, or cold, and this winter has just been snow storm after snow storm, and polar vortex after polar vortex. Unless he has a doctor appointment we stay home. Not getting out, makes me feel as though I have nothing interesting to say.
In an attempt to get back my, what a fellow blogger named Pia calls "writing mojo," I'm going to do an experiment. As I wrote in my last post, way back in January, (really? that long ago?) I have been attempting to learn Italian. I am going to give myself a homework assignment. I am going to try everyday to blog at least a small post. Even if it is just a photo with a caption. Then, to help me with my Italian, said post will be translated into Italian. Don't worry, I don't expect anyone to try to read the Italian, unless you too have the bug to learn a new language. I just wish I knew someone that actually speaks Italian. You know to tell me how I'm doing. Then again......
I am starting this now.
The one thing that keeps me from going absolutely insane being cooped up all winter, has been the grandkids. Getting to have them for a weekend, now and then, makes me smile and laugh. Noah is such a calm laid back little dude, so much like his daddy. Of course he isn't moving around much yet, which makes it easier to to keep up with him. Paxton is everywhere at once. He is always smiling and giggling. He is a hoot and a half. Keeping up with him, is like chasing a hamster in an exercise ball, racing all over the house. Getting a good photo of him is near impossible. Kahlen, she is a little princess. At least that is what she would like us to believe. Her mom told me that she was insisting on being called Princess Elsa today, and that the princess part was going to her head a bit. I told Alyssa that meant she was the queen! Apparently, in Frozen, which I haven't seen, Princess Elsa becomes the queen. Which, I told Alyssa, makes her a Goddess! I don't know how things went after that.
Kahlen being Kahlen Kahlen essere Kahlen |
Kahlen painting the birdhouse she built with grandpa. Kahlen dipingere la casa degli uccelli ha costruito con il nonno. |
We mixed colors and learned blue and red make purple. Noi misto colori e dotto azzurro e rosso trucco viola. |
Paxton and Bazinga snacked while Kahlen painted. Paxton e Bazinga mangiano mentre Kahlen dipingere. |
Painting is very delicate work. La pittura e' un lavoro molto delicato. |
Paxton ran around the yard while Kahlen built her birdhouse. Paxton correre intorno il cortile mentre Kahlen costruito la sua casa di uccello. |
I actually got a few good photos of him. In realta' ho avuto un paio di buone foto di lui. |
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He's more of an action shot kind of boy. Lui e' pui' di un tipo colpo di azione di ragazzo. |
Always on the move. Sempre in movimento. |
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Paxton thought he should be allowed to sleep in Bazinga's kennel. Paxton pensava che dovrebbe essere consentito di dormire in Bazinga's canile. |
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Silly selfie. Selfie sciocco. |
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Best. Toy. Ever! Miglior. Giocattolo. Mai! |
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Kahlen enjoys playing the proper cowgirl. Kahlen gode giocare la propria cowgirl. |
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Mr. Noah Smiles! Signore Noah Sorrisi |
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Goof ball in his overalls. Buon pallone nella sua tuta. |
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Toes, are super awesome! Dita sono super awesome! |
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Peaceful slumber. Shhhhh! Sonno tranquillo. Shhhhh! |
Watching Iowa men's basketball team lose. Guardare la squadra di basket maschile Iowa perdere. |
"What the heck was that shot?" "Cosa diavolo era quel colpo?" |
"Grandpa, are you seeing this?" "Nonno, stai vedendo questo?" |
"I just can't believe this, they had so much potential." "Non riesco a crederci, che avevano cosi' tanto potenziale." |
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