Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day

This Memorial Day I have been sitting around the house looking for things to do. Willie is, of course, at work, Bazinga, Mia and I have been left to our own devises. I admit, I have been feeling a little sorry for myself, being alone yet another day. The last episodes of Sex and The City on TV. I couldn't help but compare my life here to Carrie's life in Paris, except she had money, and was in Paris, I'm in Rossville. As she wandered the streets of Paris alone, I knew how she felt. I was definitely feeling very sorry for myself. Feeling like I had left my life behind to be with my husband, and ending up alone all of the time.

Then I looked outside at those flags I talked about the other day. Today standing tall in the sun. Blowing in the wind. I remembered what Memorial Day is all about. It is to remember those who gave all to keep our country free. It is to remember sacrifices made by thousands that came before us. From the Revolutionary Minute Man to the National Guard solider  in  Afghanistan  today, all have fought and sacrificed so that we can have freedom to live, love and laugh. We have the freedom to oppose the wars that they fight in. We can walk down the street holding protest signs against our own government because they protected our freedom of speech. Their lives were given so we could enjoy ours.

Families over time have shared their loved ones, sacrificed for the rest of us. Some gave precious time that can never be retrieved. Children who's mother or father, and sometimes both had to go away for a year or more. Time that they will never get back. The wife who now has to raise children alone because her husband is buried at Arlington. The father who weeps at the airport for a daughter who may or may not come home again. All proud of their loved one, all making sacrifices we can never comprehend. Memorial Day is about them too.

My life is easy compared to theirs. I know Willie will be home tonight. I know he will not be shot in a battle. I won't be alone when I go to bed tonight. I'll be sleeping in a comfy bed, not a fox hole. Thank you to those who have given all for our country. Thank you to the families left behind.  I am proud to be an American, and hope that one day, soon, no one will ever have to sacrifice in wars ever again. It is a beautiful dream, is it possible? Here's hoping peace will find a way.

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